Musicality - The Role of the Leader


It Takes Three to Tango

The music knows nothing about dance, and as dancers we are inspired to introduce music to dance, expressed through rhythmic and fluid movement reflective of the musical composition being heard.

 We take this role on as a couple – we accept the musical landscape and together we negotiate our response. It is natural that the focus of our relationship – the two dancers and the music – shifts in all possible combinations.

“the role of the leader - to be always there - to always by dancing, even in stillness..”

 Sometimes the music might suggest a walk, and the leader responds – they have listened and the conversation is between the leader and the powerful rhythm of the music. The leader invites their partner to join with them in a walking movement.

For a musical phrase the follower might simply enjoy the result – and appreciate the walking movement. But then the focus may change – perhaps there is a wonderful series of complex tumbling notes that the follower may wish to responds to. The leader may anticipate this and provide for the follow to express themselves within the movement and the musicality.

….shape a work that is creative, natural, balanced and spontaneous. And - ultimately musical in itself.”

The role of the leader – to be always there – to always be dancing, even in stillness – to never abandon his partner – to participate, as the focus shifts again and again – is so important to dancing tango well.

The skill is to jointly agree who has the focus; this exchange is through connection and mindfulness, and to transfer roles from leader and follower, between the two dancers and the music so as to shape a work that is creative, natural, balanced and spontaneous. And – ultimately – musical in itself. To be fluid and yet controlled is a skill practised and polished, moulding and melding with the music and each other. This is Tango.

Artwork inspired by Juarez Machado

Artwork inspired by Juarez Machado

To dance beautiful Tango is to embrace the continual exchange and unfolding creative and meaningful movement shared between both roles and the music - to acknowledge and allow the constant flow and the shifting role of all three. It is about being in the moment, sharing and appreciating what is transpiring, where all the senses are engaged, much like sharing a stimulating engaged conversation or a glass of fine wine.